
Rebuilding Together 2019

A great showing of 15+ WiGiv volunteers for Rebuilding Together 2019. Despite terrible weather (rain/snow/sleet/cold/locust) this outstanding team with help from our union friends, completed over 50 projects including fences, replacing doors, garage repairs, installed an awing, fixed gates, lights, windows, and lots more to make Donna’s house safer, warmer and more comfortable. Donna was …

WiGiv 2019 kickoff

Welcome to WiGiv 2019! We’ve got a lot planned for the new year with lots of volunteer opportunities for everyone. This year we’ll be focusing on giving back to the community through service events. We’re also expanding our events to be nationwide, so any time we have a Chicago-based event we’ll also suggest national organizations …

House of Peace Furniture Drive

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In August 2017, Donna W led the effort to locate, refurbish and present usable basic furniture to people getting out on their own, as coordinated through the House of Peace (see https://houseofpeaceshelter.org/) shelter organization. The House of Peace group helps women and children escape domestic violence by providing secure temporary residences until families can stable long-term …