On Tuesday, June 3rd, a few of the Williamses helped two families move from the House of Peace into their new home. All families can stay in the House for up to six months, and then they help them move and transition into a new home. These families do stay in contact with the House …
Last weekend, members of the Williams family got together to make tie-fleece blankets. We made a total of seventeen blankets, with more coming in from family members out of town! The event was a huge success. The blankets will be given to the family members of the House of Peace. They will be given as …
EVENT INFORMATION: The Williams Family Giving Plan is hosting the WIGIV 5K Run/ Walk on June 8, 2014 at Everett Park, Lake Forest, IL. All proceeds benefit The House of Peace Shelter. The House of Peace is a shelter in north Chicago that provides a secure, temporary residence for women and children suffering from domestic …
Aunt Donna and I had the opportunity to tour HOP when dropping off the donations from the family. Originally Aunt Donna and I thought we were simply dropping off our donated items. However, Aunt Donna had to go back another time later in the week to drop them off because instead of a quick drop …