EVENT INFORMATION: The Williams Family Giving Plan is hosting the WIGIV 5K Run/ Walk on June 8, 2014 at Everett Park, Lake Forest, IL. All proceeds benefit The House of Peace Shelter. The House of Peace is a shelter in north Chicago that provides a secure, temporary residence for women and children suffering from domestic violence. People are welcome to come to race, make a donation, and/or purchase raffle tickets.
To register, please either
1) complete the attached registration form and bring it to the race, or mail it with payment and waiver(s) to
Grace Williams
1886 Bowling Green Dr.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
2) REGISTER ONLINE (new!) and bring your ticket and waiver to the event on June 8!
Be sure to sign the attached waiver and bring that as well for each participant.
Feel free to share the information with friends and family! We have attached a letter you can use to invite others to the 5k – just fill out a name at the top and sign it at the bottom. It is written to come from a member of the Williams family, but we would obviously be thrilled if anyone wants to invite their friends!
Online registration link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/wigiv-house-of-peace-5k-runwalk-tickets-11361365149?aff=wigivsite