2016 Team Salute Walk/Run – Sunday, May 29!

This is the Salute 5k Memorial Day Race in Arlington Heights, IL. WIGIV supports Salute Inc., a military relief fund that provides financial, physical and emotional support to veterans and their families.

This is a great way to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend and honor those who protect our country.

You can run the 5K/10K, walk the 5K or run the 5K + Tactical Challenge!

Visit Salute’s website for registration and other info: http://raceroster.com/events/2016/7164/salute-inc-5k10k

Select Register, sign up and choose which event to participate in
Add in personal information
When it asks to add Participant 1 to a team, select the option, “Yes, add this participant to a team created by someone else”
Select Team Category: Family
oTeam Name: WIGIVoPassword: Williams
Discount Registration Code ($10 off): WILLIAMS